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Quick Overview

So someone at your company (or you 👋) is setting up Papyrs and you want to know in one minute what it is and how it works.

Papyrs is a tool for organizations to create an internal site (a.k.a. an intranet, knowledge base, internal wiki or employee portal): a place to share knowledge and work better together.

If you know about the concepts below you're an expert!


Pages are the main ingredient of a Papyrs site. Each page is kind of like a document, similar to how you would create one with a word processor.

The real secret sauce of pages is that they can contain much more than just text though. With the editor you can add many different elements (we call them widgets) to your page like images, checklists, code snippets, videos, calendars, embeds, files, form fields and much more.

Like this you can create all kinds of pages on your Papyrs site:
  • wiki-style manuals/notes/procedures (like the page you're reading now!)
  • interactive forms and surveys
  • dashboards with the latest news
  • internal blog posts
  • file libraries
  • or anything else you need!


Whether you're just writing text or building a page with all kinds of rich elements, we've made adding content with the editor super simple so anyone can contribute. No need for any technical knowledge. After all, the more people share information, the more useful your site becomes. To edit a page, just click the pen icon in the menu bar.

Saving changes

When editing a page, changes you make are saved as a draft. This way people who visit the page while you're working on it still see the original version. When you're done editing the page, click the Save button, and the draft is published as the new current version of the page.


Writing and formatting text works like you're used to in a word processor. When you place the cursor in some text, you can use the editor toolbar at the top to format your text.


Adding widgets is just a matter of drag&drop:

Same for moving widgets around on your page: grab the widget by its dotted line on the right, and drag it somewhere else.

Keyboard shortcuts and commands

Another quick way to add widgets is by keyboard. Whenever you want to insert something at your cursor, just press Ctrl+Enter.
Another useful shortcut is Ctrl+/. This opens the Command Palette, from which you can search all available editor commands and formatting options. You don't need to be exact, so if you press Ctrl+/ and type ckl, that will create a new checklist.
Overview of keyboard shortcuts:
Keyboard commandActionAvailable when/notes
Alt+Backspace (Windows) / Ctrl+Backspace (Mac)Delete the current widgetWhen cursor in text
Ctrl+/ (or Cmd+/)Show the Command PaletteEverywhere in editor
Ctrl+EnterInsert a new widget at your cursor (or at end of page).Everywhere in editor. When in a table, creates new table row.
Ctrl+@Insert link to a pageWhen cursor in text
Ctrl+MSwitch between Markdown mode and Visual ModeEverywhere in editor
Ctrl+B, Ctrl+IMake text bold/italicWhen cursor in text
Ctrl+KFormat text as codeWhen cursor in text
Ctrl+SSave draft (editor will also autosave for you).Everywhere in editor


We want to make editing a breeze for everyone in the team, including power users! If you've never heard of Markdown, just skip this. If you have, and prefer editing that way: you can 🎉

To edit any page as Markdown, just open the editor, and click Edit ▼ > Edit as Markdown (or hit Ctrl+M). You can toggle between the visual editor and Markdown editor at any time. Auto-magic conversion 🦄.


A Papyrs site consists of one or more subsites. Each subsite is a collection of pages and people. For example, you can make a subsite for a department or project, or just because you want to organize pages together around a certain topic.

Subsites can have their own settings like notifications, theme colors, banner picture and menu bar. Within a subsite, you can organize pages further within folders and tags.

Because each subsite can have a different list of people who are member, you can also use them for permissions and ensure some content is only visible to certain people.
💡 When creating a new Papyrs site, we automatically add a subsite called Examples which includes this manual along with several other example pages.
Explore pages in a subsite using the "Pages" overview, or use the search function to quickly find what you need across the entire site.
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